
Resources — Ultimate Guide

A man placing a red light therapy device over his knee. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy for Pain"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy for Pain - Ecomback

With a broad spectrum of information on the effects of pain and medication, we're forced to answer the common question, "how do we manage pain safely and effectively?" One option is the holistic method of red light therapy. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know, including what red light therapy is, how it works, health conditions it treats, its benefits, and more.

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A woman sitting in front of a therapy lamp. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to Seasonal Affective Disorder"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to Seasonal Affective Disorder - Ecomback

Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), also known as seasonal depression, is a variation of depression that begins and ends around the same time each year. SAD typically occurs during fall/winter months but less commonly occurs in the spring and summer. To be medically diagnosed, you must consistently experience depressive episodes around the same months for at least two years. 

If you consistently feel a surge of sadness, lack of energy, or thoughts of hopelessness during a specific time of the year, you may have seasonal affective disorder. This guide will walk you through what SAD is, the symptoms, how to cope with it, and more. 

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A graphic of a caregiver with an elderly woman. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to Caregiver Burnout"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to Caregiver Burnout - Ecomback

With many responsibilities, caregivers run the risk of developing caregiver burnout (also known as caregiver fatigue). Caregiver burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion. It can result from being in a stressful situation, not dealing with emotions appropriately, and constantly being on the go without taking breaks.

In this article, we’re going to cover the causes of caregiver burnout, who’s more at risk, signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout, the differences between burnout, stress, depression, compassion fatigue, and ways to treat and prevent caregiver burnout.

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A physical therapist pressing on a patient's back

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to SI Joint Pain - Ecomback

Pain in the lower back and hip are often a mystery. This occurrence can disrupt life and lessen the enjoyment of day-to-day activities. When plagued with pain in these areas, sufferers should look to professionals for guidance while asking if it could be SI joint pain. In this guide, we break down everything you need to know about SI joint pain, including what it is, causes, treatment, prevention, and more.

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A graphic of a man using a CPAP machine. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to CPAP Therapy"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to CPAP - Ecomback

This guide offers an in-depth look at CPAP and covers all the essentials, including what CPAP is, how it works, what it treats, choosing a machine, best practices, accessories, etc. It serves as an ultimate guide for CPAP education with all the essential information one might need when learning CPAP.

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