
Resources — Back Pain

A graphic of a man holding his back in pain. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to Pain Management"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to Pain Management

Nearly everyone experiences pain at one point or another in their lives. It can manifest in many ways, from headaches to back pain to muscle soreness, and can have a multitude of causes, like injury or surgery.

We've broken down 9 different types of pain management to help you decide which is best for you. 

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A graphic of a man with electrodes on his back. Text, "TENS Therapy for Back Pain"

TENS Therapy for Back Pain

If you’re experiencing back pain, you might have heard of TENS therapy. This holistic method of pain management offers a safe and effective way of relieving pain so you can go about everyday activities. This guide provides an insight into what TENS electrotherapy for back pain is, how it works, how to use it to relieve back pain properly, and the best TENS pad placement for back pain.

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A man standing up holding his back in pain

8 Causes of Back Pain

According to research studies, the likelihood of missing 10+ days of work quadruples if you have back pain. In fact, there have been over 83 million days where people have been unable to work due to back pain. This chronic pain plagues over 16 million individuals in the U.S. and costs 12 billion dollars annually. Back pain is incredibly debilitating, both individually and nationally, and experts have identified the top eight causes.

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A woman holding her upper back in pain

How to Get Rid of Upper Back Pain

As per the American Chiropractic Association, half of all working Americans experience the ill effects of back torment. More than 60% of Americans would not tell a clinical expert if they were in ongoing agony, as per another study. Having upper back mobility is vital to your well-being. This article offers ways to help upper back pain.

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