

A weighted blanket with text, "The Benefits of Weighted Blankets"

The Benefits of Weighted Blankets

Over the last few years, weighted blankets have become a popular and mainstream sleep and health aid, and for good reason. They’re not just a fad. They actually work! Weighted blankets have been found to be beneficial in easing the symptoms of a variety of health issues, from insomnia to autism. In this article, we’ll go over how weighted blankets work and what they help with.

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A graphic of a head with a cloud above it. Text, "Mental Health Facts and Stats"

Mental Health Facts and Statistics (Infographic)

Our mental health is so often overlooked merely because it’s a constant facet we must always be aware of 24/7/365. After all, our minds constantly process information, develop new thoughts, and evolve based on chemical makeup and our surroundings. For this reason, having an awareness of various mental health facts, figures, and statistics can help us maintain our mental health. We’ve compiled a variety of facts to help bring awareness and understanding to different health conditions. This article breaks these pieces of information down into generalized facts and figures, seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, physical pain (its impact on mental health), and aging.

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An elderly man smiling while sitting in his car

The Best Driver Safety Tips for Seniors

As people grow older, they generally begin to experience a slight decline in basic motor skills and situational awareness caused by poorer eyesight or reduced hearing.

When applied to driving on the road, this could result in unsafe situations that put yourself and others at risk.

As a senior driver, it’s vital to practice driver safety and refresh yourself on the rules, regulations, and behaviors related to safe driving. Not only will this help to keep you safe behind the wheel, but it will also allow you to improve your independence by keeping you on the road for longer.

Here are some useful driving safety tips for seniors.

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An elderly couple meditating on a yoga mat

10 Common Home Safety Issues and How to Fix Them

For people over age 65, injuries at home such as falls or burns become increasingly more common. And as aging in place continues to grow as a trend, safety hazards become more of an issue. Normal aging causes changes in your eyesight and balance that can make some injuries more likely. Getting older also means your body needs longer to heal, so injuries can be more severe and cause more interruption in your life.

By keeping your home in good repair, you can continue to enjoy living independently as you age. These common home safety hazards are easy to miss, but they’re also easy to fix. Use these home safety tips for seniors to improve elderly safety and prevent avoidable accidents.

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A graphic of a person on top of a mountain with their arms up. Text, "104 Caregiver Quotes for Inspiration, Encouragement, & Growth"

104 Caregiver Quotes for Inspiration, Encouragement, & Growth

Being a caregiver is by far one of the more challenging positions. It often requires a lot of learning, trial & error, and lifestyle shifts. The life of a caregiver is a busy one. And with all that responsibility can come feelings of exhaustion, sadness, overwhelm, and more. For this reason, we've compiled our favorite quotes related to family, burnout, positivity, inspiration, and more. When you feel your responsibilities taking over your well-being, turn to these quotes. They may give you the needed spirit boost to keep you going.

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