

A man installing flooring

Six Home Modifications for Seniors to Maximize Life at Home

Aging at home can be a comfortable and economical option for most seniors. Most seniors feel safe and 'at home' in their dwellings. But they can be sites for dangerous accidents, slips, and falls. Plus, inappropriate lighting, clutter, and other settings that aren't senior-friendly can make it challenging for the aging adults of a family to perform daily living activities.

In this post, we've rounded up six home modifications for elderly persons that will help you create a safe and comfortable abode for your aging loved ones. Use these tips to help seniors age in place and make the most of their lives.

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A doctor checking a woman's neck

Joint Pain Causes, Remedies & Treatments for Relief

According to the findings of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), around 15 million people report experiencing severe joint pain related to arthritis, with half of these adults reporting persistent pain. According to a separate 2016 study by Joint Pain Epidemiology, symptomatic osteoarthritis affects from 10% to 15% of the global population, with over 27 million people in the US and 8.5 million in the UK. Furthermore, data from the European Health Interview Surveys showed that the knee, hand, and hip as the most affected regions in the human body. In this article, we'll break down the causes of acute and chronic joint pain as well as the most recommended joint pain treatments.

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A person holding their kidneys in pain

Are Your Kidneys Healthy? 6 Warning Signs to Look Out For

Did you know that your kidneys are your body’s primary filtration system? These fist-sized organs clean your blood and rid your body of unnecessary waste. Once your blood flows into the kidneys and excess fluids and toxins are filtered out, your blood returns to the bloodstream, while the wastes pass out of the body through urine. 

Several factors could cause waste to build up in your blood, such as your diet, pre-existing kidney damage, or diabetes. Suppose you have a condition that impacts your kidneys. In that case, they likely can’t filter out toxins efficiently, which can cause even more damage and lead to chronic kidney disease (CKD) or end-stage renal disease (ESRD), if left untreated. Pay close attention to your physical health, and listen to your body if it begins to impact your daily life.  

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A gray commode with text, "Buyer's Guide: Selecting the Right Commode"

Buyer's Guide: Selecting the Right Commode

Independently getting to the bathroom, especially in the middle of the night, can be difficult for those with disabilities or limited mobility. They may be in too much pain while they walk, be at risk of falling on the way, or even struggle to make it to the bathroom in time. 

A bedside commode is a safer alternative that can help them go to the bathroom without a caregiver's help and maintain their independence and dignity. In this guide, we'll go through everything you need to know about commodes so you can choose the best commode for you or your loved one.  

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A person drinking a glass of water

What is Hyponatremia and How do I Treat it?

Hyponatremia, low blood sodium level, is a relatively common condition. Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disturbance to impact patients in clinical settings. Most often, Hyponatremia is due to the inability of the body to excrete excess water. This excess water accumulates in the blood, dilutes the sodium level, and leads to low blood sodium levels.

In this article, Dr. Barry Gorlitsky explains this condition, its causes and effects, and methods for treating it.

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